The MPO division operates a certification scheme for Productivity Specialist (PS) under the APO Certification of Persons Accreditation Scheme for Certified Productivity Specialists under the entity namely MPOCB.

The MPOCB serves as a certification body for APO-AB, and enhances the MPOCB’s visibility as a leading national organization on Productivity Specialist Certification, which also adapting ISO/IEC 17024:2012 international guidelines.

Certification purpose

This PSC is introduced by APO-AB as a scheme owner with the objective to build up pools ofproductivity specialist for all national productivity organisations members countries, includingMPO, a sole representative of national productivity organisation (NPO) in Mongolia.


Individuals who meet the requirements will be awarded the certificate of "Certified Productivity Specialist" in accordance with the level and hierarchy of the productivity specialist, and will have the opportunity to improve their professional and bussiness prospects, connect with other productivity specialists, and participate in international projects of APO. In addition, CPS will be recognized in member states with similar acceditation system of the NPO. A ceritified PS will be registered as a word-class productivity professional on the MPOCB directory and the APO portal.

Tiers of Productivity Specialist Certification

MPOCB provides responsible Productivity Specialist Certification Scheme according to the following 3 levels:

1. Certified Productivity Specialist attested of the APO

2. Certified Senior Productivity Specialist attested of APO

3. Certified Master Productivity Specialist


Certified Productivity

CPS is expected to transfer knowledge of a wide range of productivity solutions to enterprises and organizations through training, facilitating, coaching, and consulting activities as follows:

  • Indentify, implement, and explain productivity improvement solutions and productivity improvement methodologies
  • Implement a comprehensive productivity programin the organization with stages to analyze productivity issues, indentify ways to improve, and implement them
  • Providing promotion, training, research and consulting services to national productivity centers, customer organizations and other organizations

Unurtsetseg. Ch

Certificate number : CMPS0001

Anar. B

Certificate number : CMPS0002

Oyun. B

Certificate number : CMPS0003

Uranchimeg Byamba

Certificate number : CSPS0001

Urantsetseg Lkhayemaz

Certificate number : CSPS000002

Ariunzul Davaa

Certificate number : PS000001

Badamtsetseg Lkhagvasuren

Certificate number : PS000011

Oyun Lozol

Certificate number : PS000009

Oyungerel Altantsetseg

Certificate number : PS000010

Khishigjargal Tsendayush

Certificate number : PS000007

Oyuntsetseg Tavanjin

Certificate number : PS000006

Ariunjargal Nerdui

Certificate number : PS000002

Certificate Database

Certification of CPS is valid for 3 years. Re-certification is subjected to candidates who meet continued conformity requirements.

Current valid certification can be provided upon request.

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